Retrospect FORUM RIGA

The one-day discussion entitled Cities for Europe – Freedom. Responsibility. Action was organized in cooperation with Riga 2014, European Capital of Culture, and with the support of Goethe Institute Riga.

Together with representatives of past, present and future European Capitals of Culture, with politicians and civil society actors, we explored the following questions:

– Can Riga be seen as a “model” for an ECoC?
– How can a positive process during an ECoC year be sustained?
– Can the EU have a responsibility after the end of the year?
– How can cities and citizens actively contribute to the European unification process in cooperation with political decision makers?
– What is the role of citizens in the development of democracy and preservation of freedom?

Participants included Māra Lāce, Director of the Latvian National Arts Museum, Ukrainian writer Andrei Kurkov, MEPs Arne Lietz and Inese Vaidere, Henri Malosse, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, as well as Jiři Sulzenko, Programme Director of Plzen 2015 and member of the “A Soul for Europe” Strategy Group.

The discussions were accompanied by a “Marketplace Europe”: Projects and activities from different parts of Europe illustrated how citizens experience and strenghten Europe every day in their cities and regions. Best practice examples can also be found on the “Cities for Europe” website.

Watch the video recording of Forum Riga (in English, Latvian and German) here. For impressions of the conference, please visit the website of A Soul for Europe.

The Strategy Group was set up and its work is made possible with ongoing financial support from the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

The Decisive Deal: A European Resolution on Culture, Values, Democracy and Citizenship

Download here the paper The Decisive Deal: A European Resolution on Culture, Values, Democracy and Citizenship

The European House for Culture (EHfC) is organising a roundtable discussion on December 10th 2014 in Brussels, bringing together approximately 50 influential personalities.

The EHfC, as part of the Cultural Coalition for a Citizens’ Europe, embarked on a programme for the 2014 European elections called The Decisive Deal: A European Resolution on Culture, Values, Democracy and Citizenship. The participatory process has gathered citizens’ ideas from across Europe and developed them during various events and online during 2012-2013.

This citizen-sourced process finished gathering concepts at the Brussels Conversations 2013 and reached a ‘decisive’ phase in 2014. Developed together with high-level politicians, these proposals and demands were presented as a citizen’s pact to the top candidates to the European elections at the occasion of the Berlin Conference in March 2014. Now that the new Parliament and the new Commission are in place we will work with elected leaders of all parties at local, national and European level and to realize the goal of implementing this Decisive Deal: A European Resolution on Culture, Values, Democracy and Citizenship in the next 5-year political term.

The members of the EHfC and the Brussels Conversations 2014 have an important role to play in this process. In view of a long term planning and concrete action plan to be agreed upon, we ask participants to share their view on the concrete topics, actions and visions for the next 5 years in order to have a decision from the political level (EP & Member states & others) and to be developed further by citizens, individuals including politicians.

The society Felix Meritis (cofounder and manager of the A Soul for Europe initiative) is participating in the proposition and production of the European Resolution for Culture.

Brussels Conversations 2014

Conference and round table discussion
Wednesday 10 December 2014
09:30 – 15.00 hrs
De Munt/La Monnaie, Brussels


The European House for Culture (EHfC) is organising a roundtable discussion in De Munt/La Monnaie bringing together approximately 50 influential personalities in order to realize the goal of implementing The Decisive Deal: A European Resolution on Culture, Values, Democracy and Citizenship in the next 5-year political term.

This programme is set up by the Cultural Coalition for a Citizens’ Europe, based on citizens’ ideas gathered from all over Europe during various events and online in 2012-2013. At the Brussels Conversations 2013 those ideas were gathered and subsequently presented as a citizen’s pact to the top candidates of the European elections at the occasion of the Berlin Conference in March 2014. Following the 2014 European elections the main goal is to realize implementation in cooperation with elected leaders of all parties at local, national and European level.

During the Brussels Conversations 2014 participants are supposed to share their views on topics, actions, and visions for the next 5 years in order to agree on concrete action plans and long term planning. The outcomes shall be put on the agenda of the A Soul for Europe Advisory Board and the Berlin Conference Steering Committee. Following up, definitions of concrete topics and actions shall be elaborated and further developed by the ASfE strategy group and the EHfC members and partners in view of the next Berlin Conference in autumn 2015.

Questions to be discussed during the Brussels Conversations are, for instance, what proposals should be presented and what actions should be proposed? The major task is to present clear and concise ideas, questions, and demands to policy makers to ensure that the working document will be regarded as a proposal for resolutions by the European Parliament to eventually inspire action in the European Council and the Member States, as well as on the local level.

The Brussels Conversations 2014 are considered as part of a collaborative work process to European democracy by shaping citizens demands and ideas for the future of the European Union.

The society Felix Meritis (cofounder and manager of the A Soul for Europe initiative) is participating in the proposition and production of the European Resolution for Culture.

Forum “Cities for Europe – Freedom. Responsibility. Action.”


Video Records

The international “Riga 2014” forum “Cities for Europe – Freedom. Responsibility. Action.” was held at the Citadel conference centre in Riga on the 11th of November to discuss the inalienable value of freedom and the role of cities and citizens in strengthening the European unification process and democracy. Watch the video record of the forum here.

This year, “Riga 2014” organised the international forum together with the European non-governmental organisation “A Soul for Europe”, with support from the Goethe Institute in Latvia.

Goldberg Strijktrio: Goldberg Variaties

Donderdag 20 november (concert)
Aanvang: 20:30
Toegang is gratis. Wij waarderen uw gift na afloop

Foam is weg uit Felix Meritis, het gebouw is verkocht en daartussen is een gat gevallen.

Oud-medewerkers van Felix Meritis hebben daarom het plan opgevat om in deze tussentijd weer leven in het gebouw te brengen. Met medewerking van Rosita Wouda (voormalig zakelijk leider Schönberg Ensemble van Reinbert de Leeuw) zijn een aantal gezelschappen en ensembles bereid gevonden in de Concertzaal te spelen. Dit is de oudste Concertzaal van Nederland, waar keizer Napoléon nog eens te gast was en vanaf het balkon de zaal aanschouwde tijdens ‘zijn’ Keizerlijk Bal (1811).

Uitnodiging Goldberg Variations

Het Goldberg Strijktrio is het eerste ensemble dat optreedt in een reeks van vooralsnog drie concerten. Zij brengen de beroemde Goldberg Variaties van J.S. Bach ten gehore.

Viool: Cécile Gouder de Beauregard
Altviool: Anna Magdalena den Herder
Cello: Marcus van den Munckhof

Tot ziens in de Concertzaal!

Doek @ Felix

Zondag 23 november (concert)
Aanvang: 20:30
Toegang: € 14,-

€10 for pre-order and €14 at the door!


The second concert in a new series of concerts in Felix Meritis promises to be a jazzy night featuring Doek. Doek will showcase three ensembles that highlight different aspects of Doek’s music.

Doek aims to develop and present improvisation in all its diversity and these three groups certainly reflect that vision. Wilbert de Joode will play in trio with two of the most active young expats around, Kaja Draksler and Ada Rave. They will perform a completely improvised set. Then John Dikeman, the youngest member of Doek, will perform a solo set. It will be improvised to the extent that he has no idea what he’ll do. Perhaps compositions may pop up, or it may be fully improvised from beginning to end.


The evening will conclude with one of our funkiest ensembles, Available Jelly. Mixing improvisation with original compositions and the occasional standard or folk melody, Available Jelly is guaranteed to get the party started.

Line up:
Kaja Draksler piano, Ada Rave saxophone, Wilbert de Joode bass
John Dikeman saxophone solo
Available Jelly Michael Moore – saxophone, Eric Boeren – cornet, Wolter Wierbos – trombone, Arjen Gorter – bass, Michael Vatcher – drums

Cello8ctet: Canto Ostinato

Dinsdag 25 november (concert)
Aanvang: 20:30
Toegang: € 20,-


Twee jaar na het overlijden van de geestelijk vader van het bekende Canto Ostinato, Simeon ten Holt, voert het jubilerende Cello8ctet Amsterdam de nieuwste versie van dit mysterieuze werk uit.

In 2012 zocht één van de cellisten Simeon ten Holt op in zijn woonplaats in Bergen om hem om toestemming te vragen een bewerking te laten maken voor het octet. De componist was direct enthousiast en gaf zijn fiat. Marijn van Prooijen schreef het arrangement dat in de zomer van 2012 in Bergen in première ging.


De componist vroeg met klem aan het octet om dit arrangement op cd uit te brengen. Aldus geschiedde… Een unieke cd van een zeer bijzonder werk dat nu wordt uitgevoerd in de Concertzaal van Felix Meritis.


Van 22 tot 27 oktober 2014 zal Felix Meritis aanwezig zijn tijdens het Forum dat in samenwerking met A Soul for Europe en de Çanakkale Biennale georganiseerd zal worden.

De keynote speech, die door Felix Meritis Foundation zal worden voorbereid en uitgesproken zal zich concentreren op de rol van de burger in het eenwordingsproces van Europa in het bijzonder door de steeds actievere rol die burgerinitiatieven in de Europese steden ontwikkelen.


Het is bijzonder dat de kunstenaar Joseph Semah met werk in de Biennale is vertegenwoordigd. Een van de meest recente kunstwerken van Joseph Semah is Amsterdam of Above, Amsterdam of Below, dat in 2013 in Felix Meritis te zien was ter gelegenheid van het 225 jarig jubileum van Felix Meritis.

“This 4th edition of the International Çanakkale Biennial has its conceptual framework structured upon ‘1914-1918- The Centenary of World War I’. The exhibition will focus on the contemporary visual interpretation of this human tragedy and its political, economic, social and cultural consequences.

In the meanwhile, as the wars and slaughters occurring in a broad area stretching from Palestine, Iraq and Syria to Somali and Central Africa, we should also express our feelings of grief and sorrow for realizing once more the solid truth in the topic of our biennial today as recited by Plato 2500 years ago.”

Lees hier meer informatie over de 4e Çanakkale Biennale.


Van 22 tot 27 oktober 2014 zal Felix Meritis aanwezig zijn tijdens het Forum dat in samenwerking met A Soul for Europe en de Çanakkale Biennale georganiseerd zal worden.

De keynote speech, die door Felix Meritis Foundation zal worden voorbereid en uitgesproken zal zich concentreren op de rol van de burger in het eenwordingsproces van Europa in het bijzonder door de steeds actievere rol die burgerinitiatieven in de Europese steden ontwikkelen.


Het is bijzonder dat de kunstenaar Joseph Semah met werk in de Biennale is vertegenwoordigd. Een van de meest recente kunstwerken van Joseph Semah is Amsterdam of Above, Amsterdam of Below, dat in 2013 in Felix Meritis te zien was ter gelegenheid van het 225 jarig jubileum van Felix Meritis.

“This 4th edition of the International Çanakkale Biennial has its conceptual framework structured upon ‘1914-1918- The Centenary of World War I’. The exhibition will focus on the contemporary visual interpretation of this human tragedy and its political, economic, social and cultural consequences.


In the meanwhile, as the wars and slaughters occurring in a broad area stretching from Palestine, Iraq and Syria to Somali and Central Africa, we should also express our feelings of grief and sorrow for realizing once more the solid truth in the topic of our biennial today as recited by Plato 2500 years ago.”

Lees hier meer informatie over de 4e Çanakkale Biennale.

“Cities for Europe” network meeting, 11th November 2014, Riga

The “Cities for Europe” initiative of “A Soul for Europe” will hold its annual network meeting within the framework of a conference by Riga European Capital of Culture 2014. “A Soul for Europe” will organize one panel on the responsibility of cities for the unification of Europe. The presentation of selected projects will illustrate how diverse, colourful and lively Europe is if we look at its cities and regions.

For more information, visit the “A Soul for Europe” website.

“Cities for Europe” network meeting, 11th November 2014, Riga

The “Cities for Europe” initiative of “A Soul for Europe” will hold its annual network meeting within the framework of a conference by Riga European Capital of Culture 2014. “A Soul for Europe” will organize one panel on the responsibility of cities for the unification of Europe. The presentation of selected projects will illustrate how diverse, colourful and lively Europe is if we look at its cities and regions.

For more information, visit the “A Soul for Europe” website.

Schubert & Shaffy: Prelude op het Geelvinck Fortepiano Festival

Concert | Donderdag 9 oktober 2014 | 20.15 uur | Museum Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis

“Het is alsof ik uw ogen heb, het is alsof ik uw handen heb. Het is alsof ik u ben.” Franz Schubert (1797-1828) – Ramses Shaffy (1933-2009). Componist en zanger, opgegroeid in een andere wereld en tijd, maar met verrassende gelijkenissen.

Schubertiade met Franz Schubert aan de piano, Julius Schmidt, 1897
Schubertiade met Franz Schubert aan de piano, Julius Schmidt, 1897

Twee iconen uit de muziekgeschiedenis komen bij zanger Daniël Vecht samen. Met warme, volle stem en bijgestaan door Jeroen Sarphati op piano, neemt Vecht je mee in de wereld van Schubert en Shaffy. Twee romantische karakters en beiden spil van een groep jonge kunstenaars die in een woelige tijd nieuwe wegen in sloegen.

Ramses Shaffy aan de piano
Ramses Shaffy aan de piano

Vecht kruipt in de huid van Shaffy en Sarphati in die van Schubert in een voorstelling die de grens opzoekt tussen concert en theater, tussen klassiek en pop, tussen discipline en verlangen. In een hoopvol concertprogramma laten ze zien dat de jong gestorven componist en de Amsterdamse zanger verwante zielen zijn: door hun muziek wisten ze persoonlijk lijden en verdriet te overstijgen.

Himmelhoch jauchzend, maar ook intiem en klein komen hun muziek en talent in een nieuw licht te staan. Jeroen speelt op de Challen (ca. 1930) vleugel, eens in het persoonlijk bezit van Ramses, en op de Böhm fortepiano vleugel (1830), die Schubert nèt niet meer heeft kunnen bespelen wegens zijn vroegtijdige dood.

Daniel Vecht, in the mood of 'Schubert & Shaffy'
Daniel Vecht, in the mood of ‘Schubert & Shaffy’

Op 1 juni 2014 sloot ‘Ramses Shaffy – de Tentoonstelling’ in Bijzondere Collecties van de UvA, met een prominente plaats (foto) voor de legendarische, enorme vleugel, waar Ramses op speelde op latere leeftijd, afkomstig uit zijn huis op de Herengracht. Shaffy’s archief wordt sinds 2012 door Bijzondere Collecties beheerd; de vleugel stond opgeslagen. In plaats van opnieuw het depot in, zal dit instrument, een Callen ca. 1930, een voorlopig nieuw onderkomen krijgen op het Geelvinck podium.

Shaffy vleugel in 'Ramses Shaffy - de Tentoonstelling', in Bijzondere Collecties, 2014
Shaffy vleugel in ‘Ramses Shaffy – de Tentoonstelling’, in Bijzondere Collecties, 2014

Kijk voor meer informatie op de website van het Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis.
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