On this page, we present a selection of video recordings of presentations organised by the Felix Meritis Foundation over the years in the majestic Felix Meritis building, as well as recordings of lectures, and interviews by Linda Bouws that were part of our Erasmus+ project Strengthening European Identity through Culture and Education, and How to Manage It . You will find more presentations, by Rudiger Safranski, Peter Sloterdijk, and Frans Timmermans, among others, at the FMCC YouTube canal and the ECHC Observatory .
Europe, the European Union, and the Global Context
Europe, Identity and Populism by Dimitar Nikolovski
Individual and collective memory – by Izabella Agárdi . For ‘Identity, cooperation & the younger generation’ by Izabella Agárdi, click here
Miguel Á. Martín Ramos : Knowing history is the key. For ‘3 things’ by Miguel Martín, click here
European Identity – a short introduction by Steve Austen
Farid Tabarki over zijn betrokkenheid bij Europa. ‘De nieuwe generaties zijn geen hedonistische pillenslikkers.”
The erosion of trust in the democratic infrastructure and the future of Europe, with Kathrin Deventer , Ivan Krastev , Zachery Bishop , etc.
Ivan Krastev: The Amsterdam Conversation on Europe 2013 The erosion of trust in the democratic infrastructure and the future of Europe.
Paul Scheffer and Robert Menasse debated and shared their visions on the future of Europe
Nilüfer Göle opened ‘The Middle East in Europe and Europe in the Middle East’ Click here for Part 2 and Part 3
Tariq Ramadan in ‘The Middle East in Europe and Europe in the Middle East’. Click here for Part 2 and Part 3
The Middle East in Europe and Europe in the Middle East – by Paul Scheffer . Click here for Part 2
Nilüfer Göle on Islam and Europe. A Soul for Europe Conference, 2006
George Soros : The spirit of Europe and its mission. A Soul for Europe Conference, 2006
José Manuel Barroso , A Soul for Europe Conference (2004): “In the hierarchy of values the cultural ones range above the economic ones.”
Günter Grass visited the Felix Meritis Foundation in the fall of 2002. He was interviewed by Steve Austen, former director of Felix Meritis and co-initiator of Gulliver. German spoken.
In 1987, during the European Artists Forum (Amsterdam), the ‘Informal working body Gulliver’, was created, including Günter Grass, Václav Havel, György Konrád, etc., thus realising Grass’ desire for a Gesamteuropäische Kulturstiftung. Gulliver should make every effort to establish a dialogue between the citizens of the then communist states and those of Western Europe.
Melina Mercouri , founder of the European Capital of Culture: “We have to know each other better.”
(European) Citizenship
Dimitar Nikolovski : Heritage, development and activism: Lessons from the European peripheries.
Steve Austen : Cultural Identity. What does it mean and how to deal with the consequences of the identity debate in Europe.
Zbigniew Bujak – Social Entrepreneurship: the experiences from one of the founders of Solidarnosc; lessons to be learned.
Steve Austen : The Pyramid Model – a scenario for the development of project-based organisations to get continuity
Jan van Zwieten : What is leadership all about?
Steve Austen & Miguel Á. Martín Ramos : From Audience Development to Citizenship Education
Esther-Mirjam Sent vertelt hoe zij haar wetenschappelijke inzichten in de politieke praktijk verwerkt.
Alicja Gescinska – over luiheid, negatieve en positieve vrijheid. Bekijk ook dit interview met Alicja Gescinska en een fragment uit haar Vrijheidslezing
Bart Knols : hoe kun je werkelijk impact hebben op het gebied van malaria?
Vredeslezing 2013 door Liesbeth Zegveld ; Onze onwetendheid komt ons goed uit.
Vrijheidslezing door Steve Austen , 5 mei 2013
George Möller : Ethics, Banking and Citizenship
Marita Mathijsen : Hoewel de boekhandels vol liggen met historische werken, wordt het verleden maar al te vaak verkitscht en voert sensatiezucht de boventoon. Waarom hebben we het verleden nodig?
Hans Boutellier over Actief Burgerschap
Burgerschapslezing door Ton Nijhuis , 2012
4 mei lezing 2012 door Shervin Nekuee
Heritage and Culture
Izabella Agárdi – Memory and Cultural History in Central Europe
Mario Neve – Thinking critically, not only Cultural Heritage… human/civil/cultural rights and complexity. Click here for Part 2 and Part 3
Oeds Westerhof – Leeuwarden European Capital of Culture 2018
Paul Spies on his interactive exhibition BERLIN GLOBAL which encourages visitors to critically question historical fixed definitions.
The Italian writer Alessandro Baricco discusses his book ‘I barbari’ with Frans Timmermans .
4 May 2010, performance by Joseph Sassoon Semah on Connecting Cultures, inspired by values such as freedom and democracy within our pluriform society and based on Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, read in nine languages on top of the Felix Meritis observatory.
Amsterdam of Above — Amsterdam of Below: Experience the art installation of Joseph Sassoon Semah , made on the occasion of the 225th anniversary of Felix Meritis
Rule of Law
Nacht van de Rechtsstaat 2013: de grondrechten van illegalen. Met o.m. Lodewijk Asscher , Joshua Livestro , Janneke Gerards , Michael Ignatieff
Trias of Multiple Politica? 2013 Workshop ol.v. Maurice Adams , Henk Griffioen en Anne Meuwese
Rechtsstaatlezing 2013 door Ernst Hirsh Ballin – De plek van de Grondwet in politiek en samenleving
Nacht van de Rechtsstaat 2012, met Geert Corstens , Alex Brenninkmeijer , Ybo Buruma , en Paul Frissen ,
Rechtsstaatlezing 2012 door Gerard Spong . De rechtsstaat: oase of fata morgana?
Rechtsstaatlezing 2011. Democratische rechtsstaat, een onrustig bezit? Deel 1 door René Foqué .
Rechtsstaatlezing 2011. Democratische rechtsstaat, een onrustig bezit? Deel 2 door Andreas Kinneging .
Vrijheidslezing 2011 door Inez Weski : de rule of law is een reflectie van de wetgever die men kiest.
Chantal Mouffe : Citizenship, Democracy and Pluralism – October 2010 (English spoken)