Joseph Sassoon Semah: On Friendship / (Collateral Damage) V – Between Graveyard and Museum’s Sphere

In October 2024 will be published:

Joseph Sassoon Semah: On Friendship / (Collateral Damage) V  – Between Graveyard and Museum’s Sphere.

At first glance, a graveyard and a museum space seem to have little in common. Yet they both give meaning to the artworks presented by Joseph Sassoon Semah (Baghdad, 1948) in the exhibition Between Graveyard and Museum’s Sphere. Sassoon Semah takes the visitor on a wondrous journey of exploration. This journey extends from the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, through the lost public space of Baghdad, the waiting room of his Saba (grandfather) and the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp, to spatial architecture based on the typography of the Talmud Bavli.

With much art and texts by Joseph Sassoon Semah, Steve Austen, Linda Bouws, A.S. Bruckstein Çoruh / House of Taswir, Guus van Engelshoven, Arie Hartog, Gideon Ofrat, Jom Semah, David Sperber and Rick Vercauteren.

Metropool Internationale Kunstprojecten
Final editing: Linda Bouws & Joseph Sassoon Semah
Design + layout: kunstburo geert schriever
A4, 208 pages
Full color
ISBN 9789090385884

The publication can now be pre-ordered:
€ 39.95 and € 5 shipping costs:
Stichting Metropool Internationale Kunstprojecten, account number NL 42 INGB 0006 9281 68 stating On Friendship / (Collateral Damage) V, name and address.