From a “divided” to an “enlarged” Europe: an assessment (1989-2019)

September Seminar 

2 – 6 September 2019 – Palazzo Verdi, via Pasolini 23, Ravenna, Italy 

Campus Ravenna of the University of Bologna offers this seminar in the framework of our Erasmus+ Summer University programme Strengthening European Identity through Education and Culture, and How to Manage It, in which six European institutions and universities work together on developing a joint curriculum for an English-language MBA in European Culture, Heritage and Citizenship.

Apply for the seminar before August 19th:

What is it about? 

The Seminar’s aim is to reflect and try to draw up a double assessment: the first, thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall as a political symbol of the end of the long parenthesis that had
artificially divided Europe in two since the Second World War; the second, fifteen years after the great enlargement of the EU, institutional sign of this reunification.

Has this resulted in the structure of common European citizenship? What and how many
differences still separate the so-called “old” Europe from the so-called “new” Europe? Can
cultural heritage be a vehicle for building such citizenship? Is the widespread feeling of
Euroscepticism so closely linked to what factors? Political? Economical? Cultural? Ethical?
These are some of the questions that will be addressed by the interventions during the Seminar, which will have as its main objective to stimulate debate and actively involve all its participants.

Day 1 – 2nd, September (14-18) 

The crisis of “Euro-Western” political and juridical thinking.

The aim is to address, from the point of view of the history of political thought, the evolution of the European context and its criticalities once exposed to globalization 

  • E. Piras (Scuola Superiore S. Anna – Pisa)  A.K. Nardini Vida (SHC – Bologna Center)

Day 2 – 3rd, September (10-13; 15-18) 

European political cultures facing the new Europe 

The aim is to reflect on the evolution of traditional European political cultures and their  encounter/clash with those of the “new” Europe. 

  • G. Bernardini (FBK- Isig Trento)
  • M. Marchi (Università di Bologna)
  • G. Orsina (Luiss G. Carli – Roma) 

EU Regional policy & programmes for urban development: a local perspective 

E. Medeghini (Municipality of Ravenna – European Policy Office) 

Day 3 – 4th, September 

Areas of integration (part 1) h. 10-13 

Europe and its natural borders: the Mediterranean, the Adriatic, the Balkans and the Urals, across the Atlantic 

  • A.M. Medici (Università di Urbino) 
  • A. Neve (Università di Bologna) 

Empathy mapping to profile the concept of EU citizenship – h. 15-17.30 

The aim is to draw up, together with the students and on the basis of the suggestions /  reflections derived from the previous panels, a map of adjectives which can represent the concept of “European citizenship”. 

  • S. Teston (Fondazione Flaminia) 

Round Table – h.18-20 

Witnesses: those who have experienced the process of European integration from within 

  • Chair R. Balzani (Università di Bologna) 
  • S. Austen (permanent Fellow of Felix Meritis Foundation and A Soul of Europe) 
  • S. Holland (former Labour Member of Parliament, consultant, among others, to J. Delors on issues relating to the single European market) 
  • R. Prodi (President of the Commission 1999-2004) 
  • In the framework of ECHC.The commission cannot be held responsible for any use which 

Day 4 – 5th, September (10-13 e 15-18) 

Between austerity and cohesion policy: an assessment for the Europe of growth 

  • P. Ciocca (to be confirmed) 

M. A. Martin Ramos (Responsable de Asuntos Europeos y Delegado en Burselas de la Fundacion Academia Europea de Yuste) 

  • J. Van Zwieten (Rector Netherland Business Academy) 
  • P. Zagaglia (Università di Bologna) 
  • P. Magnatti (Specialist European Commission) 

Day 5 – 6th, September (10-13; 15-18) 

Areas of integration (part 2) 

Europe and its natural borders: the Mediterranean, the Adriatic, the Balkans and the Urals, across the Atlantic 

  • D. Pasquinucci (Università di Siena) 
  • M. Puleri (Università di Bologna) 
  • I. Agardi (Institute for Social and European Studies Foundation – Köszeg) 

From theory to praxis: an inclusive approach to act on the territories 

Starting from the ongoing process of urban regeneration regarding the Ravenna  “Darsena di città” (Docks), the aim is to give a possible practical shape to the adjectives  defined in Day 3, supporting, in so doing, a virtuous and critical dialogue between theory and praxis. 

  • S. Teston (Fondazione Flaminia) 
  • Scientific Committee: M. Marchi, M. A. Neve, M. Puleri, Teston, S. Mascia 
  • Organizer Committee: M. Bernabé, S. Burattoni, M. Marchi, S. Mascia, 
  • M. A. Neve, M. Puleri, L. Ranieri (tutor) 

Apply now! Deadline: 19th August 2019 / until all available places are taken. Applications are to be sended to:;; 

Target audience: 

  • Students of the International Cooperation on Human Rights and Intercultural Heritage  second cycle Master’s Degree (Ravenna Campus – Bologna University): 20 places without tuition fee
  • Bachelor, Master and PhD students from other courses/Universities: 15 places, tuition fee 150€

Applications are to be sended to:; Please, specify if you are a student of the International Cooperation on Human Rights and  Intercultural Heritage Master or not.
