On Saturday October 24th 2015 The Felix Meritis Foundation has organized a public discussion on the topic of:

This discussion will be held in English

Saturday 24th, 14.30 hrs.
Book your tickets here.

We are delighted that Dr András L. Pap, visiting Professor of the Central European University of Budapest will give the introduction on this topic.

Professor Pap is well known within The Felix Meritis Foundation. He is part of an growing pool of  dynamic scholars who are to be heard in international debates on the subject of the “Europe for Citizens”.

His recent publications are e.g.:

“Institutional discrimination and institutionalized cynicism: The discrimination and marginalization of the Roma in Hungary”, University of Chicago Department of Anthropology, 2015 April 13.

“Hate crimes – an East European perspective”, University of Chicago School of Law, International Human Rights Clinic, 2015 April 14.

The new Hungarian model for an illiberal democracy: Biases and Preferences in the new Hungarian constitution, New York University, Law and Society Program, 2015 April 17.
“Using data protection as a tool for ethnic discrimination and over- and under policing the Roma: the case of Hungary,” 20th Annual Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), World Convention, 2015 April 24, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, USA.

“Racial, ethnic, or national minority? The case of the Roma in Hungary and beyond”, Roma as a Political Subject: between Citizenship status, National Minority and Vulnerable Group, 2015 BritishAssociation for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) Congress,  Fitzwilliam College – Churchill College, Cambridge University, 2015 March 29.

Professor Dr. Alex Brennikmeijer is our second speaker and is well known in The Netherlands as an unyielding and respected Ombudsman of The Netherlands. At present Professor Brenninkmeijer lectures at the University of Utrecht and is a Member of the Court of Auditors of the European Parliament.  In a recent interview in “De Groene Amsterdammer” Professor Brennikmeijer says e.g.: ‘In no other European country has the repression in legislation increased as much as in The Netherlands”, and “Democracy is not the problem, it is the solution”. It is not a hindrance but a buttress to a peaceful society.  According to the former Ombudsman Alex Brenninkmeijer, the government confuses civil rights more often with an attack on its authority and therefore pulls more power towards itself, “that is a considerable weakening of the constitutional state”.

We are pleased that both speakers, each from their own point of view, will further elucidate the topic of the afternoon. We wish to express that they will give their introductions not as opponents, but from their own personal insight and experience to further complement and comment each other’s statements especially where it concerns, in practise, the other EU countries including The Netherlands.

A moderator will lead the public discussion and the following debate with the audience.
Book your tickets here.

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